Last Updated: May 21, 2020     Views: 212

The group rooms are intended for students to work on group assignments and projects.

You can go to the library circulation desk to book a group room with your group members. Group rooms may be booked in advance. Remember to bring along your student card. The rooms are usually booked out for 2 hour sessions but can be extended depending on the availability of rooms

The rooms at each library can accommodate small groups.

  • AP library: 3 – 8 persons per group room
  • BMP library: 3 – 8 persons per group room and  8 - 12 persons in the larger rooms.           
  • City library: 3 – 7 persons per group room
  • There are no group rooms at the Brickfield library
  • Riverside library: 3 – 8 persons per group room
  • Indumiso library: 3 – 8 persons per group room and 8-10 persons in the larger rooms

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